Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Muppets sing Bohemian Rapsody

I confess I was looking for the original video, but once I found this...

it is hard to tell which is the best one... my children definitely love it, and so do I!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A cool piece of advice

When you go away on holidays, ALWAYS empty your fridge.

If you didn't follow the previous one and you happen to be one of the lucky ones, here's a bonus advice: a thick layer of Vicks Vaporub on the upper lip helps a lot. And keep at hand a lot of bicarbonate and vinegar.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The datediff function

Next week we shall roll-out an application which provided some very interesting insights for us; it will be the core of the renewed application portfolio for one of our customers, and after about one year of hard work we all think everyone is going to be very satisfied.

The problem is that the database we are going to migrate contains very dirty data, e.g. it contains data about events that last thousands of days instead of the typical maximum, which is assumed to be five, so we're driving a hard bargain to force the customer to fix all (at least, most of) the anomalies.

A practical way to point out the errors to the customer is the datediff function:

SELECT event_id, start_date, end_date
FROM events
WHERE datediff(d, start_date, end_date) + 1 > 5

The +1 is needed as passing the third parameter equal to the second one, as in events that only last one day, would yield a 0, and I think it is clearer to leave the lower limit (5, in this case) clearly visible. Of course also

WHERE datediff(d, start_date, end_date) > 4


WHERE datediff(d, start_date, end_date) >= 5

or even

WHERE datediff(d, start_date, end_date) > 5 - 1

would work, but IMHO they are not as clear as the first one.

Rugby CE Persona for Firefox

Muggio has developed a Rugby Cernusco Persona for Firefox. If you are a CE lover you are invited to wear it on your favourite browser :-)